How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs and What Not To Do


Here is some bed bug treatment advice. Do not try to get rid of bed bugs yourself. You will likely make the problem worse and you may endanger yourself and your family. Don’t believe it? Check out this page to learn more.

First Step – Recognize a Bed Bug Infestation

  • Is it Bed Bugs?

    First, you need to make sure that it is in fact bed bugs that have infested your home. Learn how to inspect for bed bugs here. To identify bed bugs, make sure the bug you have found has the following characteristics. Bed bugs are wingless and small insects with six legs about 1/4″ or smaller and oval shaped. They are light amber and see though as babies and juviniles. The adults can appear black, reddish, or brown. You may be able to spot bed bugs at many different stages of life so be sure to also look for eggs. The eggs look like tiny grains of rice that are attached to seams, cracks, and crevices of upholstered furniture and wood. Did you find bugs? Take a look at our bed bug pictures and see if its the same as what you found. 

infographic with bed bug treatment advice from austin bed bug exterminator

Whatever you do, DO NOT….

Try to eliminate them yourself. Bed bugs become resistant to chemicals if they are not treated properly by professionals. DIY products can make the infestation even worse and end up costing you most in the long run. They can also cause harm when used by untrained individuals.

Also there is false advertising at play as “Bed Bug Pesticides” do not have to back up their claims of effectiveness, in fact their label states “should not be used as sole defense against bed bugs”. It may seem more convenient to purchase these pesticides but the potential cost to health and eventual need to call a pest control professional outweighs the initial “savings”.

Leave it to the professionals at Houston Heat Pest and get it done in one safe, low cost, guaranteed effective treatment. Your inspection is free and we will make sure you are taken care of. We will also make sure to spare your belongings in the process saving you even more money in the long run.

Typical Cost for Getting Rid of Bed Bugs in Austin Texas

Generally speaking, it can cost more to treat a larger home than for instance, a small apartment. The cost also depends on several other factors like the size of infestation, the layout of the home, amount of furniture and belongings, and so on. Total costs for bed bug elimination can range vastly with these factors alone, let alone deciding which treatment to go with.

We offer a free bed bug consultation with a highly skilled professional who will provide you with expert advice and exact pricing for your bed bug situation.

Call us today for a FREE inspection and quote or fill out the form on this page !